
HackTheBox Alien Cradle Challenge

Explore the basics of cybersecurity in the Alien Cradle Challenge on Hack The Box. This very-easy-level Challenge introduces encryption reversal and file handling concepts in a clear and accessible way, perfect for beginners.


In an attempt for the aliens to find more information about the relic, they launched an attack targeting Pandora’s close friends and partners that may know any secret information about it. During a recent incident believed to be operated by them, Pandora located a weird PowerShell script from the event logs, otherwise called PowerShell cradle. These scripts are usually used to download and execute the next stage of the attack. However, it seems obfuscated, and Pandora cannot understand it. Can you help her deobfuscate it?


cat cradle.ps1 | tr -d "' + '" | grep "HTB"


The Alien Cradle Challenge on Hack The Box involves analyzing an obfuscated PowerShell script (.ps1) containing a hidden flag. The deobfuscation process is straightforward, requiring only basic text manipulation tools like tr and grep, eliminating the need to execute the script in a PowerShell environment. This challenge is ideal for beginners exploring basic forensic and reverse engineering techniques.

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