
HackTheBox Sp00ky Theme Challenge

Explore the basics of cybersecurity in the Sp00ky Theme Challenge on Hack The Box. This very-easy-level Challenge introduces encryption reversal and file handling concepts in a clear and accessible way, perfect for beginners.


I downloaded a very nice haloween global theme for my Plasma installation and a couple of widgets! It was supposed to keep the bad spirits away while I was improving my ricing skills… Howerver, now strange things are happening and I can’t figure out why…


cat plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.netspeedWidget/contents/code/utils.js
echo 952MwBHNo9lb0M2X0FzX/Eycz02MoR3X5J2XkNjb3B3eCRFS | rev | base64 -d


The Sp00ky Theme Challenge on Hack The Box is a very-easy-level forensic challenge that teaches participants to uncover hidden data within software components. Specifically, it involves analyzing the utils.js file in the KDE plasma widget netspeedWidget to find a concealed base64-encoded string. By reversing this string and decoding it, participants reveal the hidden content, demonstrating basic skills in file analysis and data decryption in a cybersecurity context.

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