
HackTheBox misDIRection Challenge

Explore the basics of cybersecurity in the misDIRection Challenge on Hack The Box. This easy-level Challenge introduces encryption reversal and file handling concepts in a clear and accessible way, perfect for beginners.


During an assessment of a unix system the HTB team found a suspicious directory. They looked at everything within but couldn’t find any files with malicious intent.


Extract the challenge archive to find multiple folders filled with various files.

find .secret -type f | awk -F'/' '{ print $2 " " $3 }' | sort -n -k2 | awk -F' ' '{ print $1 }' | tr -d '\n' | base64 -d


The misDIRection Challenge on Hack The Box is an easy-level task designed to teach participants how to navigate Unix file systems and uncover hidden information. During a system assessment, a suspicious directory devoid of visibly malicious files leads to a deep dive using command-line tools. The solution requires participants to execute a series of commands to sort, concatenate, and decode data hidden within directory structures, enhancing their skills in detecting and deciphering concealed data in cybersecurity environments.

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